
Starbucks Korea 3rd “Barista” and 4th “Autumn in the forest” AUTUMN merchandise 2018

The 3rd AUTUMN merchandise launched on Sep 28th 2018, and so  the 4th AUTUMN merchandise on Oct 16th 2018!!


The theme of the 3rd Autumn MD is…Barista

The theme of the 4rd Autumn MD is…Autumn in the forest


I was too busy to update the 3rd Autumn MDs….so I am introducing 3rd and 4th both items here!


But, I found some of the tumblers and goods from the 3rd Autumn MDs STILL SELLING at some starbucks stores!


Let’s see what I have found!!


Starbucks Korea 3rd Autumn MD “Barista”


Barista figure tumbler
바리스타 피규어 텀블러 355ml

The bearista is in a barista outfit, with an green apron!


Barista iconic tumbler
바리스타 아이코닉 텀블러 473ml


JBJ Autumn maroon container
JBJ 오텀 마룬 보온 컨테이너 300ml


JNL Autumn siren thermos
JNL 오텀 사이렌 보온병 750ml


Maroon lema cold cup
마룬 레나 콜드컵 473ml


Barista coffee story coaster
바리스타 커피스토리 코스터


Starbucks Korea 4th Autumn MD “Autumn in the forest”

The tumblers from the 4th Autumn MD are very classic!

JNM forest thermos
JNM 포레스트 보온병 480ml


JNL forest thermos
JNL 포레스트 보온병 500ml


SS troy forest tumbler
SS 트로이 포레스트 텀블러 473ml


SS DW forest to go tumbler
SS DW 포레스트 투 고 텀블러 473ml


SS lucy forest tumbler
SS 루시 포레스트 텀블러 355ml


SS finey forest coldcup
SS 파인니 포레스트 콜드컵 355ml


Forest letter tumbler
포레스트 레터 텀블러 473ml


Starbucks Korea 3rd and 4th Autumn MD [ALL ITEMS]


For more information, you can visit Starbucks Korea HP!